#metal #moshhead #radio #rock #outdoor #bands #band #music #musik #youtube #facebook #live #Vinyl #Punkrock #musicians #electricguitars #MetalSongs #NewRock #MetalMusic #moshhead #metalheads #metalmusic #rockmusic #radioshow #radiostation #hardrock #news #all #follower
Pesbuk (PErmen SerBUK)
#meme #memes #humor #facebook #candy #anime #BocchiTheRock
Guten Morgen - Tässle Kaffee ☕️?
2019 schloss ich meinen Zigtausend-Follower-Account auf #Facebook wegen Kritik am Aufmerksamkeitsökonomie-Geschäftsmodell. War damals noch ein Nachrichten-Aufreger.
Und ich würde es wieder tun. Die Lebensqualität ist ohne das #Neurohacking antisozialer Medien höher.
My account was closed without explanation on FB last year, long before all the current state of affairs. I am actually proud that I posted this now, that their bots did not like it.
#digitalArt #socialmedia #facebook #privacy #copyrights #opensource #regulation #GDPR #EuAiAct #humanrights
How Facebook's CDN Works.
Como Funciona la CDN de Facebook.
#comunidaddeprogramadores #devs #programar #frontendDev #backendDev #desarrollodesoftware #programación #eventoenvivo #endirecto #100DaysOfCode #worldcode #programadores #developers #developerlife #facebook #cdn #coding #programming #tech #softwareengineering #webdevelopment
#OnThisDay:Mark Zuckerberg launched #Facebook from his #Harvard dormitory room (2004).
Happy Birthday Ken Thompson (1943) - Developer of the original #Unix operating system. He won the Turing Award in 1983 with his long-term colleague Dennis Ritchie.
Today is World #CancerDay.
What in the actual f🤬ck is this shit, #Facebook ?
#privacy #publicgood #facebook
Should We Delete Meta Platforms Like Facebook After Zuck's Oligarchy?
#MetaPlatforms #Instagram #Facebook #Zuckerberg #DigitalOligarchy #SocialMediaDebate Have you noticed the buzz around Zuckerberg’s rise into the oligarchy? It’s quite a topic, isn’t it? With everything going on, many people are starting to wonder if we should just hit the delete button on Meta platforms like ...
Nikdy jsem na FB neskrýval příspěvky, prostě jsem ty blbé ignoroval. Ale teď se mi tam po sobě dohodily příspěvky od Macinky, Rédové a Vrábela. Zuckovo tažení za propagaci dezonfo začalo.
OK, ode dneška tam budu rozdávat bany jak Okamura zamlada, jinak to nejde.
#dezinformace #facebook