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18.01.2025 18:08
karsbehr (

@heluecht ist das eigentlich normal, dass auf dem Wege von #Friendica nach #Mastodon der #Avatar irgendwo verloren geht? :friendica: ↔️ :mastodon:

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18.01.2025 12:34
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@Holger Friendica is growing significantly, but significantly by Friendica's standards. For one, that's because Friendica is too unknown in today's Fediverse, and so, many Mastodon users are pulling Facebook users to Mastodon because they don't know any better. Besides, Facebook users are a great deal less willing to leave than Instagram or Threads users.

I mean, Friendica is measured by Mastodon's standards. If it doesn't have hundreds of thousands of registered users and big instances with at least tens of thousands of registered users, it's tiny. But Friendica doesn't want to have gigantic, semi-monolithic lighthouse nodes. And in fact, it's a Friendica tradition to purge accounts that have been inactive for long enough.

Friendica's culture is much, much different from Mastodon's culture. But it's also much, much older than Mastodon's culture.

As for Hubzilla, at least three out of four Fediverse users have never even heard or read the name. Even most of those who have heard of Friendica think that Friendica is the only one of its kind in the Fediverse.

If you ask me, (streams) would make for an even better Facebook alternative than Hubzilla, and I use both (and write to you from Hubzilla now). But (streams) is even more obscure. It's only known by Hubzilla users and its own users, and everyone on (streams) either used to be or still is on Hubzilla. And unless they actually use (streams), they don't know more than its name and that it has lost some Hubzilla features, and that's all. It doesn't help that it's almost impossible to find the two public, open-registration (streams) instances.

Okay, another obstacle may be phone apps. There is no dedicated iOS app for Friendica yet, at least no stable release, so you'd have to make do with an app made for Mastodon. For Hubzilla, the only existing app is on F-Droid, has been unmaintained for over five years and mostly uses the Web interface. For (streams), there are no apps at all. All three can be installed as progressive Web apps, but 99.99% of all smartphone users don't even know what that is and require something they can pull from an app store.

Lastly, none of the three is the outright Facebook clone that many want to have, and so they all have a learning curve that's steeper than Mastodon's or Pixelfed's. But then again, Facebook itself is from a time before everything had to be a no-brainer geared towards total dumb-dumbs, and so Facebook itself has a learning curve which long-time Facebook users have totally forgotten about.

#Long #LongPost #CWLong #CWLongPost #FediMeta #FediverseMeta #CWFediMeta #CWFediverseMeta #Facebook #FacebookAlternative #Friendica #Hubzilla #Streams #(streams)

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18.01.2025 12:12
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@Yr Weiß ich, ich stehe mit ihm in Kontakt und bin schon seit Friendika-Zeiten dabei. Zwei (streams)-Kanäle habe ich auch.

Mike hat Hubzilla ja round about drei Jahre entwickelt (sechs, wenn man Red bzw. die Red Matrix dazuzählt) und 2018 an Mario abgetreten, um sich selbst der Weiterentwicklung von Zot mit neuen Forks zu widmen.

#FediMeta #FediverseMeta #CWFediMeta #CWFediverseMeta #Friendica #RedMatrix #Hubzilla #Streams #(streams)

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18.01.2025 10:49
gmc (

This is a test toot and you all will have your timeline polluted with it, sorry!

(yes, still debugging that bloody #friendica instance)

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18.01.2025 10:31
caos (

@msbellows There is some fediverse software that has many functions, including a photo gallery, such as #Friendica and #Hubzilla (also #Sharkey in a simple form).

But #Pixelfed specialises in photos/pictures and has the corresponding functions and also the better/modern look for this. If photos are your main focus, this would be an added value.

You can also post short videos with Mastodon or the other micro-/macroblogging platforms, but only if you want to post longer #video content, you need a #Peertube account:

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18.01.2025 05:01
librarianbe (

Does anyone here have user experience with , and want to share it?

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18.01.2025 00:46
caos (

@abuehling @texttheater Friendica already has a number of functional features to offer:

It would be nice if there were organisations that also run new #Friendica instances and if there were more resources and help to further improve the front end.

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17.01.2025 23:21
abuehling (

@texttheater #friendica seems to offer that, but it appears to be pretty much a niche thing for the time being.

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17.01.2025 23:18
abuehling (

@magicalgrrrl #friendica seems interesting, but it would probably need a push in terms of user base and development.

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17.01.2025 21:57
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@Dave Braze I've taken myself the liberty to repeat (boost) this. I've got enough Friendica veterans as connections.

I myself haven't used Friendica anymore since Hubzilla (a Friendica fork by Friendica's creator) was still fairly young, so I can't really guide you through it. I'm mostly on various descendants of Friendica nowadays.

#FediMeta #FediverseMeta #CWFediMeta #CWFediverseMeta #Friendica #Hubzilla

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17.01.2025 21:37
display (

@openalt Livestream fungoval nadmíru výtečně, ondemand video bylo transkódované za chvilku. Určitě by nebyl od věci druhej mikrofon.

K prezentaci @sesivany :
- #AntennaPod sice #RSS naimportuje, ale pokud je zvuk odděleně, nepřehraje ho .. stejný problém má #Friendica a určitě toho bude víc
- zajímavý informace byly i informace o monetarizaci #YouTube - ta buzerace #Google je dost divoká
- ad zastupitelstva - třeba #Piráti už je takhle na #Peertube mají -…

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17.01.2025 20:38
display (

Ankündigung Downtime

Hallo Fedinauten auf,

am kommenden Sonntag (19.01.) wird es eine längere Downtime wegen der Migration auf einen neuen Server geben. Wenn notwendig, werde ich über mein Backup-Account Statusmeldungen veröffentlichen. #Friendica

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