@heluecht ist das eigentlich normal, dass auf dem Wege von #Friendica nach #Mastodon der #Avatar irgendwo verloren geht? ↔️
This is a test toot and you all will have your timeline polluted with it, sorry!
(yes, still debugging that bloody #friendica instance)
@msbellows There is some fediverse software that has many functions, including a photo gallery, such as #Friendica and #Hubzilla (also #Sharkey in a simple form).
But #Pixelfed specialises in photos/pictures and has the corresponding functions and also the better/modern look for this. If photos are your main focus, this would be an added value.
You can also post short videos with Mastodon or the other micro-/macroblogging platforms, but only if you want to post longer #video content, you need a #Peertube account:
Does anyone here have user experience with #Friendica, and want to share it?
@abuehling @texttheater Friendica already has a number of functional features to offer:
It would be nice if there were organisations that also run new #Friendica instances and if there were more resources and help to further improve the front end.
@texttheater #friendica seems to offer that, but it appears to be pretty much a niche thing for the time being.
@magicalgrrrl #friendica seems interesting, but it would probably need a push in terms of user base and development.
@openalt Livestream fungoval nadmíru výtečně, ondemand video bylo transkódované za chvilku. Určitě by nebyl od věci druhej mikrofon.
K prezentaci @sesivany :
- #AntennaPod sice #RSS naimportuje, ale pokud je zvuk odděleně, nepřehraje ho .. stejný problém má #Friendica a určitě toho bude víc
- zajímavý informace byly i informace o monetarizaci #YouTube - ta buzerace #Google je dost divoká
- ad zastupitelstva - třeba #Piráti už je takhle na #Peertube mají - tv.pirati.cz/search?search=zas…
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