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20.01.2025 11:42
habr (

Телефонный виджет для переписок и система заметок на базе гита (gitea)

Когда возникла необходимость в VPN я решил арендовать под это дело отдельный VPS сервер. Мощности были взяты с небольшим запасом для разных экспериментов и личных мини проектов. Обычно для небольших веб приложений я использовал github pages, но у него есть очевидные минусы: некоторые вещи не хочется светить в паблике, иногда нужен полноценный сервер, а не простая статичная html страница. Для сервера были попытки использовать яндекс облако (есть бесплатные лимиты), но разбираться с инфраструктурой лямбд, апи гэтвэев, s3 хранилищ и прочим оказалось довольно накладно, особенно когда что то надо поправить раз в месяц, а то и раз в год.

#git #widget #gitea #заметки

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20.01.2025 10:05
MakeMagazinDE (

heise+ | Wie Bastler von Git profitieren: Git als Code-Versionsverwaltung

Git ist nicht nur ein Tool für Software-Entwickler – es ist auch ein praktisches Werkzeug für Maker. Es organisiert Änderungen und verwaltet Code übersichtlich.

#Git #GitHub #Maker #news

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20.01.2025 02:13
in8sworld (

Upgraded #openwrt tonight from 22.03.2 to 22.05.5 using sysupgrade and it kept all of my configurations, rebooted and was nearly 100% working.

I use the USB port and run a #git server on the router but the packages required for this were wiped in the upgrade. I suppose if I'd taken the time to figure out what I needed ahead of time I could have configured those on the sysupgrade download page. All in all, just a great upgrade experience on what is, after all, a critical piece of kit.

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20.01.2025 01:02
990000 (

Is there a good Git GUI client for Mac OS where you can increase the font size? Getting tired of SourceTree. Fork doesn't seem to be able do it either. Anyone have any recommendations?

#Git #WebDev

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20.01.2025 00:00
leanpub (

Git y GitHub desde cero by Brais Moure is free with a Leanpub Reader membership! Or you can buy it for $9.99!

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19.01.2025 21:56
daniel (

10. Update & recompile, if necessary: `bundle install && RAILS_ENV=production bundle exec rails assets:precompile`


With this process in place, I should now be able pull upstream changes from mastodon, merge them into my production branch, whilst retaining my mods & being able to resolve any conflicts (& add new mods).

#GitHub #git #mastoadmin

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19.01.2025 21:52
daniel (

7. Logging into my VPS & navigating to the live directory, I then needed to run`git remote set-url origin <forked repo url>.git’, which changes the origin from mastodon to my fork.

8. As I said before, the main branch isn’t the latest stable release, so I want to make sure than my local main branch tracks my forked production branch:`git branch -u origin/production`

9. Pull the changes (this is why it was important that the production branch was based on the same version that was currently running on my instance):`git pull`.

#GitHub #git #mastoadmin

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19.01.2025 21:41
daniel (

5. Make the mods, commit the changes, & then push them to remote. (Standard commands omitted from now on).

6. Create a pull request, merge the changes into the production branch, then delete the mods branch.

I find it easier to work on my local machine, rather than my production mastodon server. This reduces the chances of my messing thing up on my live instance & also means that I don’t need to have my GitHub credentials stored on my VPS. My forked repo lives on #GitHub.

My production server currently pulls directly from the main mastodon repo, so I now need to change the origin on my prod server.

#git #mastoadmin

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19.01.2025 21:40
hn50 (

Why is Git Autocorrect too fast for Formula One drivers?



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19.01.2025 21:35
objects (
[lien] Why is Git Autocorrect too fast for Formula One drivers? #gik #git #cli

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19.01.2025 21:28
daniel (

In the end, the process I settled on was:

1. Fork the mastodon repository (upstream) to my own repository (origin).

2. Fetch the tags from upstream: `git fetch --tags upstream` & then push them to origin: `git push --tags` — this is important, I forgot to do this first time round.

3. Create a production branch based on the version currently running: `git checkout -b production v4.3.3` — this is the one I will use for production code.

4. Create a branch for the mods, based on the production branch: `git checkout -b mod_post-poll-length`

#git #github #mastoadmin

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19.01.2025 21:10
r (

In the process of modding my instance, I learned *far* more than I intended to about #git . Whilst I do use git in my day job, for managing small research codebases and drafting papers, I don’t really use its full capabilities. Initially, I thought that it would simply be a matter of making a

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