If you're diving into game development with Godot and want your enemies to chase your player character while respecting TileSet collisions, check out my latest post!
Pathfinding Guide for 2D Top-View Tiles in Godot 4.3 https://casraf.dev/2024/09/pathfinding-guide-for-2d-top-view-tiles-in-godot-4-3/
#gamedev #godot #tutorial #gdscript
A crude early version of the wardrobe! I can now spruce up for a night out on the town #godot #godotengine
#godotengine #gamedev #indiegame #indiedev #lowpoly #godot #videogames
Does anyone know good fantasy 3D spell effects that could be used for prototyping that is available somewhere else than Unity or UE asset store?
Any #godot tileset experts there? I can't figure out why my autotiles don't work correctly, the corner pieces don't match up no matter what I do
#godotengine #indiedev #indiegame #gamedev #help #support
Just released a free game called Atiya's Quest (my dog) https://atiyasquest.mcgillij.dev/ it's available for free for Linux / Android and Windows. It's a simple match-3 puzzle game that I had a ton of fun making with #godot https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1VyFQet6SrA early gameplay video.
The game developer has to do... what they have to do...
#meme #gaming #Godot
Followed by a day of horror , trying to implement my first complex inventory system and damn have I made I right mess 😅 #godot #gamedev
#CharacterDesign / #gameart portraits of the enemies, and hidden collectable, in the #3D #platformer I'm working on using the #GodotEngine and #Blender3d.
Working title: Project Timbre 128.
#videogames #indiegames #indiegame #indie #game #gaming #gamedev #indiedev #lowpoly #godot #shareyourgames
I'm making my own version of Stream Avatars! Let's see how this is gonna work...
Come hang out at https://twitch.tv/luismoreira_dev !
#indiedev #gamedev #pixelart #GODOT #roguelike #TwitchStreamers
#segundaficha o jogo que está na minha lista de desejo não lançou ainda, mas já to mto afim de jogar! Chama Wax Heads, e é sobre trabalhar em uma loja de discos que está em risco de fechar.
Eu cresci na loja de discos que meus pais tinham no final dos anos 80, e depois cheguei a trabalhar lá com o sócio que continuou o negócio, quando eu tinha uns 18 anos. Foi de longe o melhor trampo que eu tive na vida!
No momento dá pra jogar uma demo pelo Steam, e curti bastante a experiência. Me deu uma puta nostalgia dos tempos da loja. Todas as bandas são inventadas, com histórias, álbuns e até músicas criadas pro jogo! Além disso tem uma historia de pano de fundo sobre o passado e relações atuais da dona da loja, e outros minigames pra diversificar a jogatina.
Wax Heads é um jogo indie feito com Godot, e inclusive uma dos devs ta por aqui: @RothioTome
🎬 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pQLJKugCxJM
📝 https://store.steampowered.com/app/2769240/Wax_Heads
#WaxHeads #indiegame #recordstore #cozygames #sliceoflife #godot
Quick update for #COGITO
The save system has been updated, so there should be more issues with consistency and temporary states. This should also make testing scenes easier!
Please be aware that this update will "break" your previous saves.
#COGITO #Godot #GodotEngine
#GameDev #IndieDev #IndieGameDev #FediJam