Infosecurity-Magazine: Lazarus Group Targets Bitdefender Researcher with LinkedIn Recruiting Scam #cybersecurity #Infosec
Here's Bitdefender's post, from yesterday: Lazarus Group Targets Organizations with Sophisticated LinkedIn Recruiting Scam @bitdefender #LinkedIn
36 Prozent mehr: Video-Content boomt mit neuen Features auf #Linkedin
Die notwendige Informationsbeschaffung über die IT-(Sicherheits)-Infrastruktur eines Unternehmens geht heutzutage teilweise erschreckend einfach. Man nehme sich das Unternehmensprofil auf LinkedIn, sucht unter Mitarbeitern die vermeintlichen IT-Techies und schaut, welche Zertifizierungen oder Skills diese im Profil angeben - Tada.
Herzlichen Glückwunsch, in vielerlei Hinsicht.
Gefährliche Jobangebote für Software-Entwickler auf Linkedin
#backdoor @Bitdefender_DE #Cybersecurity #Cybersicherheit #Infostealer #Jobangebot #Keylogger #Kryptominer #LinkedIn #SoftwareEntwickler
Lazarus group misleidt linkedin-gebruikers met cryptodiefstal #Lazarus Group #LinkedIn #cryptocurrency #malware #cyberaanval #Trending #News #Nieuws
I saw a scaremongering take in #LinkedIn about #DeepSeek and decided to write my thoughts on it in my #blog
Essentially, the authors comments could be applied to almost any SaSS product that you don't run in your own servers. DeepSeek being open-sourced reduces much of the issues and companies like OpenAI suffer from them more readily because of their closed-source nature.
More than ever (and in this time of need), it's sad what happened with @flockingbird (#Linkedin federated alternative) … some support but especially a lot of criticism. But I fully understand @berkes ✊
Nevertheless, if you seek #Jobs in "open" tech 👇
#jobSearch #FediJobs #INeedAJob #FOSSjobs
#Accelerationism is breaking through via normies on #LinkedIn.
Y eso que aún no saben que voy a eliminar la cuenta #linkedin
I just updated my #LinkedIn profile language to "maximizing the potential of technology". I'm trying to capture my belief in the positive potential of technology while acknowledging the risks and downsides.
Bitdefender: Lazarus Group Targets Organizations with Sophisticated LinkedIn Recruiting Scam @bitdefender
The Hacker News: Cross-Platform JavaScript Stealer Targets Crypto Wallets in New Lazarus Group Campaign @thehackernews #cybersecurity #infosec #LinkedIn #Microsoft