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01.12.2024 17:38
strange_new_words (

What would happen if you posted on #LinkedIn like you thought it was #Tiktok?

You'd be unemployable
You'd be offered EVERY job

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30.11.2024 23:04
bagolina (

#LinkedIn, le réseau social professionnel acquis par #Microsoft, n’échappe pas à la tendance de l’IA. Des outils d’écriture assistée par IA sont désormais couramment utilisés pour rédiger des publications, des profils et même des messages directs. Selon une analyse récente partagée par la startup de détection de contenus IA Originality AI, plus de 54 % serait généré par l' #IA

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30.11.2024 18:49
drandrewv2 (

My latest contribution to LinkedIn was to liken #LinkedIn to a dog eating its own vomit… I don’t know why I’m not more popular over there 💁‍♀️

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30.11.2024 13:00
EtAl (

#LinkedIn Premium's Latest #AI Perfects the Art of Authentic Posting

#isGlitch #tech #bigTech #techNews #technology

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30.11.2024 11:22
riotnrrd (

Lately, ’s algorithm seems even worse than usual at surfacing anything interesting. It’s literally showing me weeks-old posts, and worse, ones that I already interacted with!
This is why people are sceptical of algorithmic feeds: if you’re making decisions on behalf of your users, the results had better be good.

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30.11.2024 07:30
frenchhope (

Half of LinkedIn thought leaders are writing content with AI • The Register #linkedin #publication #intelligence_artificielle #àtraduire #à_traduire #intelligenceartificielle

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30.11.2024 04:23
lavanyadeepak (

11. Don’t let them promote you in title but not in compensation.
12. Keep your personal life private. Do not overshare.

Thoughts Credits:

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29.11.2024 23:31
gisiger (

I really don't need a study to know this:

The Register: Yup, half of that thought-leader crap on #LinkedIn is indeed #AI scribbled

”If you've spent much time on LinkedIn, you've probably run into self-congratulatory posts, tips on how to maximize your "grindset," and other business lessons from alleged thought leaders. It's tiring, but a study of such posts has pulled the curtain off the wizard: More than half of such posts are written by AI.“


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29.11.2024 23:27
TirotG (

Les messages rédigés par l’#IA pullulent sur #Linkedin. Selon une étude, plus de la moitié des #publications sont l’œuvre d’une intelligence artificielle générative, et c’est en grande partie la faute de Microsoft.

Source : Florian Bayard | 01net

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29.11.2024 20:08
joshjacobsen (

I really dislike interacting with the walled garden of #LinkedIn, but it seems to have become an unfortunate requirement for finding work these days.

Online spaces for interaction should be based on building community and friendship; not a power grab by gigantic corporations like #microsoft intent on sucking the joy out of updating your friends on how life’s going.

So if my LinkedIn post about joining the team at #Multitudes was a requirement….


#software #job #nz #NZtech #tech

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29.11.2024 19:05
jelloeater (
should have been just a job board with a personnel directory tacked on...
It's honestly one of the most worthless platforms in existence and the only people that love it are recruiters these days.

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29.11.2024 14:38
ErikJonker (

So a large part of content on Linkedin is AI generated, not surprising but the percentage is high (50%+).

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