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22.09.2024 21:58
matrix (

Thank you all for making the first annual #MatrixConf such a wonderful experience! We're already looking forward to the next one, slated for France in late 2025.

Our small-but-mighty team is properly exhausted and looks forward to sharing more – including recordings, photos, and takeaways – after resting up.

#Matrix #OpenSource #FOSS

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22.09.2024 21:54
p (
I am brimming with pride, gratitude, and joy after the 1st annual Matrix Conference. So much to say!

Grateful to punctuate a great week sharing a lovely time at
Café Botanico, a delightful garden-to-table restaurant hidden in the heart of Neukölln, with some of my colleagues at the Foundation. Thanks for being amazing, team 💖,,,

#Matrix #MatrixConf

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22.09.2024 18:06
notes (

Die #matrixConf in Berlin geht heute zu Ende. Aber natürlich kann (und sollte) man auch abseits davon #matrix nutzen.

Zum Beispiel gibt es
einen Space von und für die deutschsprachige #Fahrradbubble.

Schaut doch mal vorbei, wenn ihr euch mit Gleichgesinnten über alles rund ums
#Fahrrad austauschen wollt. Von Unterstützung in der #Fahrradwerkstatt, über #bikepacking Tipps oder Diskussionen zur #verkehrspolitik bis hin zu Gesprächen rund um #Radsport.

#mdrza #fedibikes #fedibikes_de #rennrad #gravelbike #mountainbike

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22.09.2024 17:55
ghawkins (

So it turns out #matrix #element video calls are completely broken if you listen on #IPv6 as well as #IPv4 on your TURN server. Not entirely sure (reading the documentation) which guilty party is responsible for this bug. Chrome's implementation of WebRTC doesn't handle this properly according to

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22.09.2024 17:28
pflegekraft (

Eigenen #Matrix Server im #Homehosting: Wie tut man solches?

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22.09.2024 16:59
xyhhx (

i for one am thrilled that sliding sync proxy is being deprecated. i hate hosting it


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22.09.2024 15:37
andybalaam (

Just been to a meeting of the Matrix Governing Board, mostly getting to know each other and figuring out how to get started on some very important topics.

Great conversations with people who are really committed to serving the people who use Matrix and the people who will use Matrix in the future!

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22.09.2024 13:53
trinux (

Es gracioso ver la primera de #Matrix y como lo flipamos con esos móviles de #Nokia o ese teclado "ergonómico" de #Microsoft.

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22.09.2024 13:14
antnisp (

Has anybody migrated between homeservers? Is that even possible? The moderation on matrix dot org is a trash fire.

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22.09.2024 13:01
notes (

In der Anwendung von freier, offener und wirtschaftlich fair betriebener Software sehen die Lukis eine praktische Verbindung zur #Freiheit des Evangeliums und vieler Narrative biblischer Texte.

Das war auch an diesem Wochenende im Theologischen Seminar Herborn wieder zu spüren.

Ganz praktisch ging es z.B. um
#GNUTaler, /e/OS, digitales in Kirchengemeinden, #Grist, #Matrix und Bots, #DeltaChat, #ElementX und die Server-Admin bei @Hostsharing

Die Location war ünrigens einzigartig ;-)

#FediKirche #digtialeKirche #selbstbestimmtDigital
#Linux #FOSS #OpenSource

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22.09.2024 12:53
farooqkz (

A while ago, someone on some #Web development #Matrix chatroom said #WebXDC is not much of an inventation. It's just an #Electron app like #DeltaChat executing some Javascript. And that the Web Engines are already written by big techs like #Google and #Mozilla. They wanted to say that webxdc is not that much of a big effort. TBH, I thought perhaps they are right about this, well... till today which I started reading webxdc documentations and try to write my own webxdc app. And then... 1/2

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22.09.2024 12:51
rolle (

A gentle reminder: We also have a chat server and a couple of rooms if someone just wants to chat.

I still prefer IRC but I use it via irssiproxy + Element nowadays.

#chat at

#MementoMoriSocial #SelfHosting #Matrix #Chatting #Chat #ChatRoom

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