Speaking of #ereyesterday:
There is the #Berlin #XMPP #Meetup #overmorrow, Wednesday 2025-01-08 18 hrs in #xHain #makerSpace and #community centre:
#GrünbergerStraße 16, #Friedrichshain
Not sure, if there are any talks planned.
Join us on Wed 05-02-2025 19:00 at `Weekly Meeten en Drinken`.
More info: https://appsterdam.rs/event-rttrntyhcdbhb #Appsterdam #iOSDev #AndroidDev #Developers #Meetup
Erinnerung: übermorgen (Dienstag) um 19 Uhr geht es beim #WordPress #Meetup #Leipzig um DEIN WordPress-Projekt. Bring deine Fragen mit und wir schauen wie wir dir helfen können - kostenfrei, ohne versteckte Angebote, dafür mit vielen sympathischen Menschen. https://www.meetup.com/de-DE/leipzig-wordpress-meetup/events/303867414/
Nix Your Bugs #5
#Taidum #Meetup in #VRChat. The New Year celebration is in the past. We are back to baking bread.
Thanks for:
Creating the instance: VR Chat/Holmebrian TeamTaidum
Creating the world: VR Chat/NovemberFrog
Photos for VR Chat meetup: https://1drv.ms/a/c/7665f952c13528a1/Ep3nnZyHcbBKlZ_pWEo9vfABoTO6Z28nrlra0IlVYlfFIw?e=gTihZX
Finally got the upgrade email on renewal, Meetup dot com now wants $299 USD/year for my organizer account which is obviously insane.
Even if I though I could get it sponsored I won't even ask on principle. Time to find alternatives.
Also I'm in Canada so just no, after conversion the product isn't worth that at all to me.
»Postcrossing Meetup Halle 2024-06-08«
#AbbeyRoad #Beatles #Meetup #Museum #Postcrossing #Halle
Woof & Wander
Café rosé Maastricht NL, Saturday, February 1 at 01:00 PM GMT+1https://puppycalendar.eu/event/woof-and-wander
Hey, Tampa Bay idea people! Don’t forget that the “Ideas on Tap” lecture series has its inaugural event on Tuesday, January 7th at New World Tampa. Come for the interesting talks on ideas, stay for the conversations, pizza, and beer!
#idea #ideas #meetup #meetups #Tampa #TampaBay
Kleiner reminder: solltet ihr morgen in Hamburg unterwegs sein, schaut doch mal im Attraktor vorbei - da gibt's 'n #Keyboard #Meetup!
Happy first Friday of 2025! It’s time for the “official unofficial” list of tech, entrepreneur, and nerd events happening in and around Tampa Bay, courtesy of Tampa Bay’s “official unofficial” tech blog, Global Nerdy.
Find your events, find your people, make some opportunities, and #MakeItTampaBay!
#Tampa #TampaBay #StPetersburg #StPetersburgFL #Clearwater #Florida #FL #events #tech #technology #entrepreneur #entrepreneurs #nerd #meetup #meetups #networking
🎉 Bonne année 2025 à tous ! Merci à ceux qui ont participé à nos Meetups 🙏. Le compte rendu de décembre sur l’IA et WordPress est dispo ici 👉 [https://100son.net/intelligence-artificielle-meetup-wordpress-toulouse-12-2024/](https://100son.net/intelligence-artificielle-meetup-wordpress-toulouse-12-2024/)
À bientôt pour de nouveaux échanges 🚀 ! #WordPress #Toulouse #Meetup