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23.01.2025 10:16
notes (@notes@pastwind.top)

假如你想要提前使用 #Misskey 2025.1.0 beta 版的 #Pgroonga 全文檢索功能,以下是設置說明。

1. 根據 misskey 的 github 更新 default.yml ,加上全文檢索的設置
2. 在 PostgreSQL 安裝 Pgroonga 擴充功能,請參考 Pgroonga 的說明文件。
3. 執行 pgsql 這個 cli 對 misskey 的資料庫進行操作,針對 note 資料表加上 Pgroonga 的專用索引,SQL指令如下
create index idx_note_text_with_pgroonga on note using pgroonga (text);
如果 note 資料表很大,就需要花很長的時間建立索引。
4. 更新 Misskey 本體到 2025.1.0 beta 版並重新啟動服務。
5. 別忘了在 Misskey 的角色開啟搜尋功能的權限。


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23.01.2025 06:37
notes (@notes@vocaloid.app)

実はメンテ終了最終調整です #ぼかろすきー #Misskey

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22.01.2025 22:06
notes (@notes@misskey.de)

A friendly reminder,

The Fediverse, the social network you're using to avoid Facebook, Twitter, Reddit, or Blue Sky, is managed by real people, and not corporations. These real people, your administrator, pay for hosting so that you may share your thought, feelings, or just randomly sh-t post.

If you're financially able, take a moment to reach out to your administrator, and ask if they need help. Even a little bit can help.

#Mastodon #Misskey #CherryPick #Sharkey #Fediverse #ActivityPub

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22.01.2025 21:11
Linux_Is_Awesome (@Linux_Is_Awesome@mastodon.social)

I think my trending post may have crashed, Misskey Dot De.


It is not the 1st time, I have found something I shared could not handle the traffic.

The past was shared over 2,000+ times with nearly 2,000+ likes, and it was only growing.

I think Misskey, and the forks, start to take a toll when you're trending.

#Misskey #Fedi #Fediverse #ActivityPub

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22.01.2025 15:55
notes (@notes@plasmatrap.com)

@celesteh@lgbt.io I'm on a #misskey fork rn, and tbh it's just Mastodon with emoji reacts

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22.01.2025 11:25
liaizon (@liaizon@social.wake.st)

A Meta employee on misskey.de urging everyone still using *any* Meta property to leave asap because "Internally, things are changing, and not for the better."
misskey.de/notes/a3ax4tqomg #meta #facebook #misskey

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22.01.2025 08:10
notes (@notes@moppels.bar)

@Roede_Orm@norden.social Grundsätzlich passt alles ins #Fediverse.
Es hängt wohl auch damit zusammen, was man für Inhalte transportieren will.

Ich für mich würde auch eher Dienste für länger texte dafür nutzen wie
#IceShrimp #Misskey oder #Friendica und nicht mastodon, das zudem auch alles mit mehr als 4 Bilder ausblendet.

Hier findets du schon mal welche:

Das sind aber sicher nicht alle im Fediverse vertretenen.
Mein Verein ist mittels WordPress Teil des Fediverse

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21.01.2025 19:53
notes (@notes@social.interordi.com)

If anyone is looking for a #Misskey instance, feel free to send me a direct message for an invite to Interordi Social. Registrations are open, just gated to avoid a flow of spam!

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21.01.2025 18:15
lps (@lps@mograph.social)

@jupiter_rowland thanks, I didn't see that, I'll take a look:)

I was recently reminded of #sharkey and I'm quite interested in testing it again for the FB style of social w some polish. There are a few apps that are compatible with #misskey which it's a fork of, as I 'm sure you know.

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21.01.2025 16:30
notes (@notes@pinky.st)

Number of posts on #Fediverse ( 2025-01-21 )

0 :
3 :
21 : Pinky.st
3 : mammut.cyou
0 : Others


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20.01.2025 16:30
notes (@notes@pinky.st)

Number of posts on #Fediverse ( 2025-01-20 )

0 :
3 :
23 : Pinky.st
3 : mammut.cyou
0 : Others


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20.01.2025 16:20
notes (@notes@subs4social.xyz)


hey, I'm online!

#misskey drive is loading just a bit faster than it was yesterday. I can actually see the thumbnails and find shit I'm looking for. awesome

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