#NextCloud #accessibility is highly impacted by this thing that seems very small. What they did is they removed (!) the Copy Public Link from the context menu in their File Explorer integration. I don't know who to call, but I'm pretty sure we need to create more noise in there. I'm thinking about starting a petition. Please join me! https://github.com/nextcloud/desktop/issues/7751 // CC @nextcloud
I just enabled auto uploading files (pictures) from my phone to my #NextCloud server. They downloaded on my computer without my intervention. I can remove files in the computer and the server deletes them too... but not on the phone. Is there a way to made them disappear from the phone too?
#ONLYOFFICE est disponible en version pro et également pour les abonné.e.s Zaclys
, conjugué à la puissance de notre cloud #Nextcloud :
Petit aperçu de cette suite bureautique collaborative ainsi que des nouveautés de la dernière version : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nxTIJmsg9iM
Asking for a friend, can you somehow pre-populate a #nextcloud form with URL parameter data?
@liberaforms any chance of integrating with #Nextcloud ? The forms app for Nextcloud is very limited, having a proper forms app like Liberaforms would be much better. Seems like there's an API for adding external projects as "apps"
I need somebody with #Nextcloud and the app "Talk" :D
I mean, with this app:
If you have Nextcloud Talk please share the result of this safe JavaScript command:
'spreed' in OC.appswebroots
I expect "true" if you have it. Thaanks :D
( https://github.com/nextcloud/welcome/issues/61 )
#Nextcloud #Deck: Wer Prozent-Angaben in seinen Tasks haben möchte, kann einfach die Schlagworte dafür umnutzen.
Dazu habe ich mir 11 Farbschritte zwischen Orange und Grün erzeugen lassen: https://colordesigner.io/gradient-generator
Und dann die Schlagworte mit diesen Farben angelegt.
Leider werden die Schlagworte alphabetisch sortiert, so dass ich eine führende 0 nutzen musste. Aber es geht!
Anyone here runs #NextCloud on a Pi? Any comments on performance? Just want a web based office suite for myself! I mean I love LibreOffice but I am often away from my personal laptop. So a web access helps! @neil do you run a NextCloud instance?
Ohmygawd. I've been struggling to get my #selfhosted #nextcloud instance working. It would work locally, but as soon as I got to work, it wouldn't connect on my phone. I thought maybe my VPN was blocking it or something. Nope. Must be a configuration issue with my reverse proxy. So I'd go home, tweak things, wait a day, come back to work... and it still wouldn't connect. Drove me insane. Tried connecting on mobile data, still no luck.
Turns out the #GrapheneOS or Android private DNS was blocking it. So now I need to find a DNS that blocks ads but allows my Nextcloud.
Lovely. I’ve just upgraded #nextcloud from 30.0.0 to 30.0.5, my 3 clients went so mad about it, they’ve tried to kill the server:
620000 requests in 38 minutes
load average ~63 on the server
Splunk free license quota exhausted.
Hmm ich suche nach einer Musikplattform, aktuell nutze ich Nextcloud Music. Aber hier lassen sich nur sehr sehr umständlich die Genres editieren. Das nervt.
Hier gefällt mir allerdings das ich auch Radiostreams und Podcasts speichern kann und diese auf meinem iPhone stream kann.
Aktuell nutze ich Nextcloud recognize um die Musik zu taggen nach Genre. Nextcloud music kann da aber nicht mit anfangen.
Gibt es da Tricks? #Nextcloud #Music #retoot
I have mine at @hostsharing That's a German cooperation, providing webhosting services for its members.