I posted on Reddit about how I wish Flash Attention was compatible with Apple Silicon. Some of the responses I got were just trash talk about how #Mac is terrible and its users don't deserve attention from the #OpenSource community since #Apple is so closed-source and profit-driven, whereas #Nvidia has invested so much money in academia for open research for decades. Definitely not the responses I was expecting! lol #ML #AI #LLM
Jetzt online: Meine 10 To-Dos nach einer Linux Mint Installation
#linuxguides #Linux #linuxmint #opensource
New CDK version 18.2.4200 is out!
We released a new component Angular 3D Carousel
Give our repo a star
Check out the library here
#Angular #FrontendDev #JavaScript #OpenSource #ThreeJS
I just sponsored @openresource. Go sponsor your open source mates!
Some startups are going ‘fair source’ to avoid the pitfalls of open source licensing
Isn't this just closed source with extra steps or 'freemium?'
#technology #tech #software #foss #opensource #freesoftware #programming #development #oss
I just sponsored AlDanial for its cloc project. Go sponsor your open source dependencies!
Rund 48 Prozent der Maintainer fühlen sich nicht richtig wertgeschätzt, das entspricht rund 8 Prozentpunkten mehr als noch im Jahr 2021. Und wenn sie in eigenen Worten beschreiben dürften, was ihnen an der Arbeit wirklich nicht gefällt, dann kritisieren sie insbesondere das Anspruchsdenken ihrer Community. Wie es ein Befragter ausdrückt: "Die meisten Nutzer, selbst diejenigen, die Korrekturen benötigen, sind nicht bereit, selbst mit anzupacken. Sie erwarten einfach, dass jemand anderes das Problem kostenlos löst."Wenn #OpenSource weiter bestehen soll, dürfen (vor allem) Unternehmen Open-Source-Projekte nicht nur als gute Möglichkeit zur Kostenersparnis sehen.
Exciting news! The random_color rust crate is officially at version 1.0.0! Check out our latest blog post to learn about the journey, new features, and improvements: https://hardcoded.link/bringing-the-random_color-rust-crate-to-version-1-0-0/
#development #rustlang #opensource #rust #tech #blog
📬 Suscríbete a NoCode OpenSource
Hola,Si hasta ahora me estabas siguiendo por los recursos que compartía deja tu email en https://NocodeOpenSource.io Cada domingo contenido de valor en tu bandeja de entrada :) #NoCode #OpenSource
@cyberlyra I prefer Free Software.
I usually say Free and Open Source Software - #FOSS, to prevent confusion and raise awareness.
Recently I wrote a bit about this on the #Purism forum:
#opensource #software #freedom
Let's stop calling Linux user-friendly but selective of its users. This is a historical statement that is now only true for technical distros like Arch Linux, understandably. Even if I have been wrong here, let's make the assertions untrue!
Completely FOSS Linux distros can and have been user-friendly. Take Linux Mint or the stable Debian. For the best Linux experience as a non-programmer, try a distro with a large supporting community and familiar UI!
#FOSS #OpenSource #accessibility