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09.11.2024 21:27
rasmusnielsen (@rasmusnielsen@mastodon.social)

Quick doodle.

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09.11.2024 20:44
arcticleo (@arcticleo@mastodon.social)

Trying to codesign four statically compiled binaries that I have embedded in a project, but trying to execute the binaries after codesign, they just exit with a “Trace/BPT trap: 5” error. What on earth is this black magic?

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09.11.2024 20:04
gamery (@gamery@indieapps.space)

People have asked for it, so soon you’ll be able to upgrade to the Lifetime one-time purchase while you're still on a trial or active subscription. #BuildInPublic #SwiftUI

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09.11.2024 13:01
dimitribouniol (@dimitribouniol@mastodon.social)

Made good progress refactoring the JS, and now I wand to go further splitting functions into individual files to lower load times when they aren't needed… an adventure for tomorrow haha. See you then!

🔜 Tomorrow’s stream: youtube.com/live/TD73Gc8B5O8
⏮️ Playlist so far: youtube.com/playlist?list=PLRx
📲 Download Jiiiii: apps.apple.com/app/apple-store

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09.11.2024 11:57
dimitribouniol (@dimitribouniol@mastodon.social)

I'm making a seasonal anime guide app, in the open for all to experience and learn from!

I really slept in tonight haha. Let's finish refactoring the JS imports now tat I know better 🙈

Come chill with me: youtube.com/live/Hslp-RVp9qQ

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09.11.2024 09:39
benjohn (@benjohn@todon.nl)

A #SwiftUI or #UIKit question.

I'd like to have some very large scrolling content. It is composed of many other content that themself support scrolling (text views). Assume something like a message feed with rich content in the messages. I want the messages to not have individual scroll behaviour. I just want them to behave as large pieces of content and rely on the enclosing scroll view for scrolling.

I've tried this in the past and made the individual text views expand to their content's size (so that they don't scroll). This has behaved poorly because those text views have allocated a visual buffer for their entire content size instead of for only the portion that is visible within the scroll view.

Is this still an issue? Are there some good practices for this or good techniques for this situation?

It seems like it shouldn't be a huge issue for nested scroll views (that have been expanded to their content size to prevent them scrolling) to detect the parent scroll view that _does_ scroll and only render their visible portion in to this.

Any thoughts? Very welcome if you have them! Including "it's not a problem any more – just do it!" 🙂

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09.11.2024 09:24
hollycene (@hollycene@mastodon.social)

My app Quitly just launched on Product Hunt today!

It’s been a long journey, but I’m thrilled to finally be there.
Feel free to check it out, your upvotes and reviews would mean a lot to me!

Quitly on Product Hunt: producthunt.com/posts/quitly-s

Have ideas for new features or improvements? I’d love to hear your thoughts and feedback!

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09.11.2024 09:16
natpanferova (@natpanferova@mastodon.social)

Excited to share that I just released an update to my book on integrating SwiftUI into UIKit Apps!

It now includes SwiftUI animations in UIKit, made possible with iOS 18, with all projects updated for Xcode 16 and using the Observable macro: books.nilcoalescing.com/integr

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09.11.2024 03:54
peterkos (@peterkos@iosdev.space)

I spent three (likely more) hours trying to play an audio file on the Desktop with AVAudioPlayer, #macos, #swiftui.

Whether I used Transferable FileRepresentation, or an NSOpen panel (but the SwiftUI one), didn't matter. Scoped bookmark? Nope. `start/stopAccessingSecurityScopedResource()`? Nope.

I knew it was a MAC[0] issue b/c it worked flawlessly with Sandbox disabled.

The solution? Use AVPlayer[1]. Not AVAudioPlayer.


[0]: developer.apple.com/forums/thr
[1]: forums.developer.apple.com/for

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09.11.2024 00:39
gallaugher (@gallaugher@mastodon.world)

#SwiftUI and #Firebase fam, any quick hints on why I might be getting "Object ... does not exist" errors when using putDataAsync to try to save a message to Storage? I'm on the Blaze plan, my fullPath looks normal - WS1YzvAvanxEL9l21q6y/7AA27546-DF57-4C1E-97AC-69CFA0655FF8.jpeg - , so it should create the file to store, not look for its existence, right? I think my data is sound - was a UIImage that I converted to data with .jpegData(compressionQuality: 0.5). Thx for any tips!

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08.11.2024 23:14
phranck (@phranck@chaos.social)

This is for all #iOS and #macOS #developers.
On your new Mac mini M4 do you do a:

Please share. Thx. 🙏🏻


#Swift #SwiftUI #Apple #Developer

Clean install
Restore from Time Machine or other backup

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08.11.2024 22:23
emorydunn (@emorydunn@mastodon.tinycart.club)

Wow, I've got an awful lot of `@State` properties in this view, they're kind of a lot to manage, especially if I want to hook everything with menu bar commands. If only there was some kind of model I could use to help manage the view


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