#Binance #Moonbix #Bot #telegram #Cryptocurrency #trading is becoming increasingly popular, which has increased the need for effective tactics and tools to assist traders in making the most money with the least amount of work.
Sticker comm for @inkblitz !
#furryart #InkBlitz #tempo #dutchangeldragon #stickers #telegram #rave
Ukrajinská vláda zakázala #Telegram státním zaměstnancům ✉️🇺🇦
#TelegramUpdates #Ukraine #StandWithUkraine #CyberSecurity
Why #audiobooks don't work for storytelling.
So I just had a telephone call with my mother through #telegram and it was tough to tell my story about my eloquently for my mother to get anything out of it.
Turning your thoughts from something that you experienced into a #mentalpicture for my mother to see what I saw thus feel how I felt.
Visual storytelling seems better to "get up to speed" on my awesome flight from Bogota to Medellin.
#ProyeccionesParalelas🔵"Amor de Gata": película recomendada para esta semana.
Lea nuestra reseña y vea el trailer aquí:
#ContenidoExclusivo para nuestros canales de #Telegram, #YouTube y #Vk
#ProyeccionesParalelas🔵"Amor de Gata": película recomendada para esta semana.
Lea nuestra reseña y vea el trailer aquí:
#ContenidoExclusivo para nuestros canales de #Telegram, #YouTube y #Vk
暗殺対象者や変電所破壊指示などを掲載していた #Telegram チャンネル「Terrorgram Collective」の管理者2名が起訴される - GIGAZINE
Telegram 何でもありか!?モデレーション皆無??そりゃ CEO 逮捕されるは。
@Triple_R Lo he visto eh !
Siento que tropecientas apps -más allá del famoso PEGASUS israelí- pueden violar la privacidad del teléfono sin ser un fallo de #Telegram. Y en cualquier caso, a quien le preocupe mucho -> modo de pago y cifrado de extremo a extremo.
Yo, no me fío más de #Signal (vale que Snowden lo recomendó en su día, lo usaba... y sigue vivo, pero ¿aún lo usa?! ) .
📰 1 жовтня о 9:00 загальнонаціональна хвилина мовчання.Наш обов’язок – вшанувати всіх захисників і захисниць України, які віддали ...
#RussianInvasion #RussianWar #Telegram #Ukraine #Video #Zelensky
📰 Today, once again, it is worth praising our warriors for their precision – precision on the enemy's territory
#RussianInvasion #RussianWar #Telegram #Ukraine #Video #Zelensky
📰 Сьогодні знов варто відзначити наших воїнів за влучність – влучність саме на території ворога
#RussianInvasion #RussianWar #Telegram #Ukraine #Video #Zelensky
[South #Korea]
Across the country #feminists gathered to stand against the horrific realities of mass "deepfake rape" with hundreds of schools having countless #underage pupils having their #privacy breached in the most horrific circumstance.
The governmental response has been milquetoast, blaming #telegram operations and a handful of culprits instead of addressing the deeply #misogynistic #social order and and #patriarchal #system which maintains this #disturbing #reality.