I’ve been thinking more on all the social media platforms and I feel it will be #x and #Threads in the end with all the pirates and rebels hanging out on #nostr
Who also noticed, that "ads" is part of the word "Threads"?
#Meta avvia la monetizzazione di #Threads, con la pubblicità che debutterà a gennaio 2025. La piattaforma, che conta attualmente 275 milioni di utenti mensili, introdurrà inizialmente un numero limitato di inserzionisti. Questo cambiamento avviene in netto anticipo rispetto a quanto suggerito dai dirigenti di Meta, che in passato avevano parlato di un processo di monetizzazione che si sarebbe sviluppato nel corso di diversi anni.
Per chi segue Threads.🙏
#Meta being Meta, #enshittification is coming really soon on #Threads 💩
« Meta Platforms plans to introduce #advertisements to its text app, Threads, early next year, hoping to cash in on the app's rapid growth […] A team inside Instagram's advertising division is leading the effort, which is still in the early stages […] Threads is planning to kick off the effort by letting a small number of advertisers create and publish #ads on the app starting in January »
› https://9to5mac.com/2024/11/13/threads-is-bringing-ads-to-your-feeds-very-soon/
#threads dümpelt gefühlt auch nur so halblebig vor sich hin.
Capisco che Mastodon rimarrà un posto di nicchia (e per me non è un problema, anzi) finché ci sarà gente che ragiona così
Na #threads od stycznia reklamy. Ciekawe kiedy tutaj zaczną wciskać śmieci do feedu. :> #bluesky
@GrueneBundestag @prefec2
Ja geil.
Guter Tag, um nach X auch auf Threads zu setzen.
Wer kann #RobertHabeck mal
https://media.ccc.de/ anschalten, bitte?
Instagram plans to launch ads on Threads in early 2025, with Meta signaling a gradual rollout next year. Ads are expected to slowly integrate into the platform as it grows. 📱💬 #Threads #Instagram #Meta #SocialMediaAds #TechNews #Advertising #DigitalMarketing
#SNS #Threads
デジタル庁(@digital_jpn) • Threadsでもっと語ろう
#swarm のチェックイン、細かい駅のは #X やめて #Threads にしてみよう
10億アカウントまでという報道もあったが / “Threads、早ければ来年1月から広告を掲載開始か | 気になる、記になる…” (2 users) https://taisy0.com/2024/11/14/205967.html #Threads