If #Threads gets Mastodon posts from me and I get posts from Threads, I might as well be on Threads. I don't want to be on Threads,
I don't want to be on #Meta so I blocked threads.net. How about you?
Threads might get ads early next year. #threads
Threads might get ads early next year. #threads
Posted into THE FEDIVERSE VS. CORPORATE SOCIAL MEDIA @the-fediverse-vs-corporate-social-media-mobileatom
#Threads にもうすぐ広告って。確かザッカーバーグが「10億人に到達したら」って言ってなかったっけ??と思って調べたら『ユーザーが10億人規模でも問題なく動くようになれば、収益化を始める、ということのようだ』だった(みたい)。
Threadsは当面“広告まみれ”にならない? ザッカーバーグ氏「収益化は、10億人に届けられると確認してから」 - ITmedia NEWS
Threads, with 275 million monthly users, could start getting ads much sooner than Meta has let on. They're now planning to bring ads to Threads “early next year” with the first ads arriving in January of 2025.
#meta #threads #ads
#Threads のタイムラインにもうすぐ広告が挟まってくるとのこと
...and this is why I've blocked #Threads. I don't want to be part of Meta's world and I don't want it to be part of my world.
If I ever want to, I know where to find it.
Totally expected and this is one of the many reasons why I stayed away. #Threads #GroundNews #Meta
Are you ready to see ads in your fedi feed?
"Meta will reportedly bring ads to Threads as soon as January"
#DefederateMeta #Meta #Threads
er komen straks ads
voor al de zuckers op Threads
sarcastisch verrast
@TheGreatLlama @jex
It's a little silly that anyone ever believed they weren't going to do this the moment their user count was stable.
I wonder if this will be a good way to differentiate ourselves if they ever actually introduce federation. Could we advertise to Threads users that you can see threads content without ads here?
In the past, it has also occurred to me that servers here could look into implementations of ads, as a way to support costs as a non-profit, if financial issues ever hit... And the way those are implemented is another way we would differentiate, because obviously, we would have unobtrusive "This Server sponsored by" sections, instead of sticking them in the middle of the timeline like normal posts.