Time for a re #Introduction
I'm Kimby a guatemalan video game designer and 3D artist
Came to fedi in october 2022 when the #Twitter troubles began but started to use fedi at the begining of 2023 for posting about digital art, changed server in may
I actually do 3D art, specially character modeling and fanart
I use principally but i am learning and a bit of
Will be sharing about my art and the game projects that i will be working in the future
Welcome to the Future!
#Amazon und #WhatsApp wagen die passwortlose Anmeldung #Passkeys
"Amazon und WhatsApp führen nach anderen großen Anbietern ebenfalls Passkeys ein. Amazon bietet vorerst nur Endanwendern die Option.
Die Anmeldung erfolgt dann nicht mehr mit Eingabe eines Passworts und eines One-Time-Pads (OTP) etwa aus dem Authenticator, sondern etwa mit einem Lächeln in die Kamera. Je nachdem, womit sich das Gerät entsperren lässt, etwa "mit deinem Gesicht, Fingerabdruck oder deiner PIN", sei das Log-in möglich, beschreibt Amazon die Option. Sie lässt sich auf Amazon unter "Mein Konto" – "Anmelden und Sicherheit" aktivieren.
#Meta hat die Unterstützung auf X, ehemals #Twitter, angekündigt."
#Biometrie #Data #Gesichtserkennung #Technology #Antireport
#EU-Kommission schaltet irreführende #Werbung für #Chatkontrolle auf X #Mikrotargeting
"Mit düsteren Bildern untermalt die EU-Kommission die Zahlen einer umstrittenen Meinungsumfrage․
EU-Innenkommissarin #YlvaJohansson hat im September Werbung für die Chatkontrolle in Ländern geschaltet, die kritisch gegenüber der geplanten EU-Verordnung sind. Die Zielgruppe der Werbung wählte sie nach religiösen und politischen Einstellungen aus. Es handelt sich dabei um politisches Mikrotargeting – einer Form von gezielter Werbung, die die #EU wegen Manipulationsmöglichkeiten eigentlich strenger regulieren will. Und das mitten im Gesetzgebungsprozess, während im Rat um eine Mehrheit für das Vorhaben gerungen wird․"
@konstantin von @digitalcourage dazu:
"Microtargeting und Desinformation für die Chatkontrolle erreicht die EU-Kommission einen neuen Tiefpunkt in ihrer Kampagne für das Überwachungsgesetz.”
#Demokratie #Chatkontrolle #Desinformation #netzpolitik #Autoritarisierung #Microtargeting #Twitter #Massenüberwachung
👨💻️ O que mais me surpreendi ao relembrar, mesmo parcialmente, foi que cheguei a desenvolver um cliente em #Java Swing (desktop multiplataforma) para Identi.ca/StatusNet, provável primeiro serviço de microblogging #SoftwareLivre, criado por @evan, com API então compatível com a do #Twitter (consegui utilizar assim) e que posteriormente, após muitas evoluções, veio a inspirar o #ActivityPub que usamos neste momento! #Fediverso
New version. Now you can delete your Favs as well. Sadly, they are rate limited, so you can only remove 500 per 15 minutes.
https://gist.github.com/lucahammer/a4d1e957ec9e061e3cccafcbed599e16 #Twitter #Xcorp #eXit
I was able to improve the speed from 3 Tweets per minute to around 5 Tweets per second: https://gist.github.com/lucahammer/a4d1e957ec9e061e3cccafcbed599e16
If someone prefers it as a userscript: https://greasyfork.org/en/scripts/476062-tweetxer
#Twitter #XCorp #TweetXer
#Tampermonkey #Greasemonkey #Violentmonkey
Because I was only able to delete a few thousand Tweets from my profile, I had to write a new script to delete all Tweets.
1. Log into Twitter
2. Paste code from link below to browser console (F12)
3. Choose tweet-headers.js file from your data archive (https://twitter.com/settings/download_your_data)
4. Wait for Tweets to vanish
[5. Let me know if it worked]
Script: https://github.com/lucahammer/tweetXer Direct link for easier copying: https://raw.githubusercontent.com/lucahammer/tweetXer/main/tweetXer.js
Video tutorial in English: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jB1-z6LbX5w
Video tutorial in German: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HmQ7_ZgVNxg
I have tested it with Firefox. Edge and Chrome were reported as working as well. The script can delete around five Tweets per second. If you don't want to mess with the browser console, it's available as a userscript: https://greasyfork.org/en/scripts/476062-tweetxer
I heard that the tools to delete all your Tweets don't work anymore. This script allows you to delete them anyways: [this is the old script, look at bottom for the new one] https://gist.github.com/lucahammer/1aa16b4d3c1fb04035839da5ef699d65
- #Xcorp may view it as a violation of their terms (automation) and ban your account. Use at your own risk.
- At least in the EU you have a right to delete your own data which overrules any company terms.
- This only removes them from your profile, Tweets may still exist in backups and other places.
I wasn't able to get the script to run unsupervised. After some time the timeline stays empty and you have to manually reload the page and run the script again. Currently, I am testing it with a 15 year old account with 19 k Tweets. I had to reload every 500 Tweets on average. After adjusting the script to not hit the rate-limit (50 requests per minute), it should run with less interruptions. But the Xcorp infrastructure is unreliable. #twitter
2023-09-19 Initial release
2023-09-19 Replies get deleted as well. Script switches between Tweets and Replies until neither returns new results.
2023-09-25 New script that uses the data export and is much faster: https://social.luca.run/@luca/111120828522417018
I'm pretty sure #Musk fired his #cybersecurity team around the same time he got rid of the #mediaRelations and #moderation teams, but if there is a #CISO left at #Twitter they should hurry out the door and get a new job while the going is "good"..
Aus dem dumpster fire formerly known as #twitter verabschiede ich mich auch. Zukünftig dann wohl andernorts, vermutlich erstmal hier zu finden:
Auch bei Twitter werden Nutzer*innen Daten zum Training von KI verwendet.....
Twitter's new privacy policy takes effect 09/29/23, giving them the right to use your posts & all of your data to train musk's "AI."
#Data #KI #AI #Musk #Twitter #Antireport #Privacy
I've manually deleted all my followings on X (ca. 400) (hint: click with one hand on the "unfollow" button and press the Enter key with the other hand). I want to keep my access to what remains of #Twitter, but I also want to make others there see their followers count shrink (of course, as usual I multiply the effect of my actions by the number of people who, I hope, think like me – which may be low, but you never know).
Oh, and I forgot: Nobody will ever get a ♡ from me anymore, on X!