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03.09.2024 14:15
notes (

Ein sehr guter Artikel. Es scheint eine gute Alternative zum etwas betagten
#yunohost zu sein...


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02.09.2024 07:29
lautreg (

#Peertube + OBS pour l'enregistremrnt et le stream. pour le MJ et les joueurs

Sinon, #Galene

À part, tout le reste s'installe en 2 clics sur #Yunohost.

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01.09.2024 16:24
notes (

Je me tâte à changer de type d'instance. Je suis sur MissKey, et je commence à en voir les limites, quelques frustrations...

Mon cœur balance entre Pleroma et Friendica. Les 2 sont prises en charge par
#yunohost (c'est un critère indispensable) et je ne veux pas mastodon (qui est trop hégémonique).

Qu'est ce que vous conseillez ?

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01.09.2024 11:12
jedie (

Hab jetzt #immich per #YunoHost installiert. Hat drei Tage/Nächte gedauert alle meine Bilder durchzuparsen...

Ergebnis schaut aber sehr gut aus. Ist zu empfehlen.

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31.08.2024 19:39
plumf (

Salut les utilisateurs et utilisatrices de #yunohost, vous utilisez quoi pour monitorer et surveiller vos serveurs #ynh ?

Je penses à un niveau d'information "basique" occupation du stockage, activité de la RAM, température, etc.

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31.08.2024 06:34

@teclista Más que gustarme, tu libro me ha volado la cabeza. Me lo he leído (devorado) dos veces. Gracias a ti, he modificado buena parte del programa de la asignatura de informática que había diseñado para mis alumnes.

Así las cosas, el proyecto de fin de curso consistirá en que les alumnes instalen servidores en la red local del instituto con #yunohost. Espero que se animen a hacer lo mismo en sus casas o en las asociaciones en las que participen.


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30.08.2024 16:20
item (
 Christopher wrote the following post Fri, 30 Aug 2024 07:07:23 -0700 Success!  🎉🎉🎉 All of my services, including this instance, have successfully migrated to my new (new to me) server. I use @YunoHost. It's a great way to run server apps without being a complete expert, but allows (sometimes requires) the use of the command line. A great way to learn.
You don't even need fancy equipment. All of this can be run on an old desktop or laptop. Most of this can even run on a Raspberry Pi.
So, what am I running on my server?

I'd be glad to help anyone wanting to learn how to get started. If you're looking to own your own data, this is the path to digital personal sovereignty. You do not own your posts or photos in Facebook, Snapchat, Instagram, TikTok, or Twitter. You don't own your files or photos in iCloud, Google, Onedrive, or Dropbox. All these companies have to do is close your account for any reason (or no reason) and you've lost it all. Can you imagine losing all of your photos stored on Facebook or Google? 😱
Self hosting is KING!
#Yunohost #selfhost
@Nextcloud 📱☁️💻 @Vikunja (/vɪˈkuːnjə/)  @Syncthing  @Streams  @PeerTube  @The Foundation


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30.08.2024 16:07
item (
Success!  🎉🎉🎉 All of my services, including this instance, have successfully migrated to my new (new to me) server. I use It's a great way to run server apps without being a complete expert, but allows (sometimes requires) the use of the command line. A great way to learn.
You don't even need fancy equipment. All of this can be run on an old desktop or laptop. Most of this can even run on a Raspberry Pi.
So, what am I running on my server?

I'd be glad to help anyone wanting to learn how to get started. If you're looking to own your own data, this is the path to digital personal sovereignty. You do not own your posts or photos in Facebook, Snapchat, Instagram, TikTok, or Twitter. You don't own your files or photos in iCloud, Google, Onedrive, or Dropbox. All these companies have to do is close your account for any reason (or no reason) and you've lost it all. Can you imagine losing all of your photos stored on Facebook or Google? 😱
Self hosting is KING!
#Yunohost #selfhost

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